📄️ Create Task
To create a task, start by clicking the ADD TASK button on top right of the tasks page
📄️ Ongoing Task Overview
Here, you can find real-time updates on the current annotation progress, including the number of data items awaiting labeling, those that have been reviewed, and those that are marked as completed.
📄️ Auto-Annotation
Auto-annotation empowers users to annotate data with the assistance of an AI model. Users can choose the AI model from the available options, depending on the nature of the task. Once the parameters for auto-annotation are configured in the settings tab, users can utilize the magic-wand icon within the annotation playground to apply auto-annotation to individual annotation tasks. For bulk annotation of entire datasets using AI annotation, please refer to Bulk Annotation.
📄️ Bulk Annotation
Bulk annotation is a special feature offered by Annolive that allows users to annotate a dataset associated with a task with just a single click. It utilizes the AI model defined by the user in the Auto-Annotate tab of the task. Users can further edit and refine each of these AI-generated annotations for individual data items.
📄️ Annotating Pre-Labeled Data
There are two methods for utilizing pre-labeled data:
📄️ PII Masking
PII masking with bulk annotation is a special feature offered by Annolive that allows users to mask the Personally identifiable information (PII) from a dataset associated with a task with a single click. It utilizes the PII masking model defined by the user in the Auto-Annotate tab of the task.